Teaching Philosophy

Thad’s teaching style draws on his natural strengths. He has a visual mind and thinks in pictures, so Thad heavily incorporates visual elements into all his lessons. This includes using appropriate fonts, layouts, and visuals in all teaching materials. This approach reflects his dedication to professionalism and sets an excellent example for his students.

As a visual arts educator in higher education, Thad believes in providing students with challenging and rigorous coursework that prepares them for their future careers. Thad also integrates theoretical concepts through reading assignments and emphasizes the importance of dedicated practice outside class to develop and refine skills. In advanced courses, Thad encourages his students to gain real-world experience by participating in galleries, shows, and publications.

Open communication is another cornerstone of Thad’s teaching. Dr. Dachille believes in fostering a safe space for productive critique conversations where students receive detailed and thoughtful feedback from their peers. These critiques help students assess their work and success in meeting assignment goals.